Monday, December 1, 2008

Why we didn't cancel our Holiday Party ..

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and beginning to the Holiday season.

I look forward to seeing our OCTANe "Family" for our Holiday Party on Dec 2nd. However I have gotten a few comments on "why aren't you cancelling your party given this environment." Certainly a legitimate question; so I thought about it, thought about it a little more and then decided to give my ..."Top 10 reasons OCTANe did not cancel its Holiday Party." (In semi-random order).

10. It is a FREE reception for our members, partners, supporters who have been working with us for years to develop OCTANe into a true, national "innovation development" best practice that continues to grow and get results. PLUG INTO something special if you haven't yet.

9. We tucked the costs into the AIG bill at the St. Regis (and still weren't a line item)

8. Related to #9, the reception will be bare bones and modest ... exactly how OCTANe is run (we don't do hype, BS or overhead here! ... everything supports our mission).

7. I like Mistletoe better than garlic.

6. There is never a #6 (please someone get this one).

5. The show must go on... innovation and bringing talented "minds and money" together to network, form new companies etc. IS our primary economic driver in this country. One day soon I hope we (as a country en masse) invest in Science and Tech instead of saving dinosaurs who ride on corporate jets. I am a dog lover (my 2 labs are 10 and 12) but sometimes a dog ain't sleeping; it's dead.

4. I saw Bolt recently with my kids and got all misty...then watched Bad Santa after they went to bed to balance and remind myself I will not have to wear a Santa Suit.

3. OCTANe had double digit growth AGAIN in 2008 (thxs to our supporters/members! This reinforces the notion that if you stay laser focused on creating value and results, you will always rise at the end of the day), so we will be lowering our membership price next year...stay tuned!

2. It's been a "dramatic year" on all accounts; from Wall St. stock drops, to real estate drops to Obama being elected (incredible on so many levels) to recession, to well, you get the picture. Taking a step back to spend a little time with friends to celebrate the fortune we STILL have is both warranted and healthy as we head into a challenging 2009.

1. OC venture capital investments in 2008 is already the highest in four years!!!! ... and OCTANe absolutley played a tactical role; certainly worth at least one glass of egg nog.

A safe and happy holiday season to all.
